Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Amazon Kindle

In the library world there has been a lot of negative talking, posting, and blogging about the new e-book reader, the Amazon Kindle. In fact, I just read in Library Journal in Feedback where one library specialist says, "I just can't see long fiction being presented in such a format...that such technologies discourage extended reading." Before last February (when I received a Kindle as a gift from my husband) I was one of those people who thought that NOTHING could replace the paper book. I had always said I would never give up my books. Well, I am now eating crow over those opinions. The Kindle is great, I have already read at least 20 full-length novels from my Kindle. Amazon makes it so easy to buy books for the Kindle. Almost too easy, since you can buy books and have them downloaded with just one click. I'm now cleaning out my bookshelves and donating my books. All of the books I want to save are loaded in my Kindle. The Kindle is about the size of a paperback book, and it will hold about 200 books. If I ever fill it up I can save my books to a SD card or just delete them and Amazon will let me download them again. Amazon evens reminds you that you have already purchased a book if you try and buy it again.

My husband and I are planning on a vacation next month, I am so excited! I can take as many books as I want and they won't weigh anything at all. When we get back from our trip, I'll let you know how it works out.


Rob said...

Do you mind sharing the issue/page for 'Library Journal' where that quote come from?

It's nice to see someone change their minds about the Kindle. Personally I've read more books, and much wider variety of books since I received my Kindle in April 2008. I've read more in the last 5 months than I have the 5 years prior to getting one.

Teri said...

Hi Rob,

I'm glad that someone else shares my opinion of the Kindle. Aren't they great:)

The Library Journal quote was in the September 1, 2008 issue page 10 in [feedback]: "Desperate for Relevance."

The only problem I had was with remembering which titles that I have read. My solution now is to save the books I have read to the SD card and then I can see at a glance what I've already read. But they are still easily available, rather than re-downloading from Amazon. I guess it is a control thing.

Enjoy your Kindle!

Rob said...

Thanks for the quick reply! Some interesting opinions there, never would have thought to see what librarians are saying about it had I not seen your blog entry.

"The only problem I had was with remembering which titles that I have read. My solution now is to save the books I have read to the SD card and then I can see at a glance what I've already read."

I do the exact same thing!


Anonymous said...

Me, too! Me, too! I have worked in libraries all my life and love my books. Got the Kindle in April and I read all the time now. Don't have to worry about tired eyes-- just bump up the size of the font! Did I finish my book and forget to bring a second in my purse (too heavy for one thing)? No worry, I can pick and choose. Did I just hear about a interesting book? Is it on Kindle? Not sure if I want to buy, download a sample. And if I'm in the airport and really need to check my mail-- wow, I can access the Internet, too? And, and, and... I can listen to audiobooks-- 80 hours only take up 1 gig on a SD chip.

I am in love!

Anonymous said...

I'm a librarian also, and I LOVE my Kindle. I can't believe the antagonism towards the Kindle--it's a DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR THE CONTENT! And it makes the content more easily readable (for those of us aging baby boomers), to say nothing of being able to take LOTS of books with me wherever I go.

I DO hope that libraries will eventually be able to benefit from the delivery system, just as they did with audio books. Time will tell...

Unknown said...

hi teri
i run a social network for amazon kindle owners at please take a look and consider joining.

hanum said...

It's awesome gadget, cool. I like it ;)