Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - The Movie is coming!

Since the trailors for the movie Twilight (based on the book by Stephenie Meyer) have started airing, our checkouts and requests for the books in this series are on the rise. It will be interesting to see if this continues after the movie debuts on November 21st. I wonder if there are three more movies in the works since the four-book series is so closely tied together. Stephenie Meyer has been heralded as the next J.K. Rowlings - and I have to agree. These books are so intriguing and geared to a wide range of ages.

This morning I ran across a companion book for this movie, "Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion." I also found a soundtrack for the movie. It seems everyone is jumping on the Twilight bandwagon.

Does anyone out there have any comments or opinions about The Twilight Saga set?


Anonymous said...

The Twilight series is the perfect example of mediocrity overblown and oversold. There is nothing extraordinary about these novels, and anyone that is not a 13 year old girl and sincerely believes these books to be great literature, needs some help, and exposure to real works.

Teri said...

I feel that any book that is this popular and has gotten so many of our younger people to read has merit. Even though it is not something that you enjoy, thousands of others find this novel riveting and enthralling. (have you noticed how long the Twilight series has been on the New York Times bestseller list?) We each have our own reading favorites and it is great that there is such a variety to choose from.